Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 33!!!

Week 33

We are in the homestretch!!  Only 7 weeks and based on my Dr Appt last week, could be as little as 5 weeks :) 

It has been a busy 2 weeks for Danny and I, last week we put together all of our big items...the carseat.stroller was SOOO cute, but something was off.  As soon as Danny put the last piece on I realized...SHIT I registered for the wrong one!  Some may ask how I could possibly screw something like that up, we are wondering the same thing.  Pregnancy brain at its finest.  Needless to say I had an emotional breakdown, Danny stopped helping my crazy ass and I stayed up late trying to take the damn thing apart and get it perfectly back in the box.  The next morning I did the best I could and almost went into labor putting the box in my car but I was going to fix this, BY MYSELF!  The toys r us people were AMAZING, they said most people don't even try to put it back in the box, let alone bring every piece of plastic/cardboard that came with it.  They let me return it and even let me "build my own" travel system by picking individual items and putting them together (saved me $25 buck)!  It reassured me that there are people and places that understand sometimes shit happens and it really isn't that big of a deal.  Went to Pullman 2 weekends ago, the trek from RV to game is definitely hard work for me, I may have slightly overdone it but I am going to do it again this weekend!  Our seats are amazing, but in the sunshine, not the best during the hot games but AWESOME during the cold games :)

My mom threw me an amazing shower for my Tri-Cities girlfriends last Saturday, she even made monkey bread which is a Christmas Morning only dish...I am VERY lucky.  My sister said "Mom always makes the best stuff when you're around" I like to pretend its because I am the favorite!!

Last Friday I had my 32 week check up and Miss Kennedy was measuring 35-36 weeks.  My blood pressure is up, just on the border of worrisome, so they are thinking there is a chance she is coming early.  We go in next Friday for an ultrasound to make sure she isn't getting too much fluid and so they can measure her to make sure she isn't getting too big.  I want her to come a little early but I am not ready for her yet so hoping she can stay happy inside until at least mid October!

Yesterday 9-19 we celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary!  I am so lucky to have Danny in my life, he is my best friend and partner in crime.  I am so blessed to have him by my side during this crazy adventure and lucky he puts up with the craziness (somewhat).

Looking forward to an awesome Cougar Football weekend and WIN as well as another week of organizing, baby showers and doctor appointments!  Time to pack the hospital bag :)
How far along? 33 weeks 

Baby size: Over 4 pounds and 17 inches. Think pineapple, but cuter :)
Total weight gain/loss:+35ish pounds! Been up and down the last few weeks.

Maternity clothes? Outgrowing some of them, not sure that was something I expected!

Stretch marks? Ew, I feel like one big stretch mark...have a few on the belly now...:(

Sleep: Up a couple times a night, usually 3 or 4.  2 to pee and the others to rotate because my arms/hands are numb.  Not fun!
Best moment this week: Baby Shower, Dr Appt, Cougar Football!

Movement: All the time...very active child, we are in for active little one!


Miss anything?:  The ease of moving/walking.  Lovey time with Danny...even cuddling is hard these days.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really, sometimes my contractions make me want to puke...I am thinking these hurt...not a good sign!

Have you started to show yet: Bigger than ever!
Symptoms: All the typical ones are here, trying to remind myself they will only last a few more weeks and then we will have a beautiful baby girl!!
Labor Signs: Nope!

Belly Button in or out? In...holding strong :)

Wedding rings on or off?  Off, I hate it. 

Happy or Moody?: Moody :(  Irritable, short fused pregnant lady right here!

Looking forward to: Cougar Football Saturday, Ultrasound next week and finishing up more organizing!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week 31...9 weeks to go!

Week 31
ONLY 9 weeks left and if my mother's intuition is correct...only 8 weeks :)  So crazy how fast the time is FLYING by.  Great last week...had a nice relaxing trip to Chelan, but I must say I think I have hit the cranky part of and people (drunk people especially) don't mesh well!  I have no patience, none, gone, out the window.  I am trying to lock it up but some times I just can't!

We threw mom a surprise 50th birthday last night (9/5) she has to be the HARDEST and crankiest person to would think we were asking her to give birth to a child or something to get her to fall into our plan.  That being said we all feel VERY accomplished to have pulled it off!  Nikki did a great job wrapping it all together, so glad she was on top of it because I didn't have an extra brain cell to devote to organization.  All in all it was great to celebrate her big year, still can't believe she is 50!!

Tomorrow we head to Pullman (aka Heaven on Earth) for the first Cougar Football Saturday of the year...CANT WAIT!  Chelsea and Corey are coming as well so we are going to have a fun and rowdy (I am sure I will do great with this) weekend.  My plan is to make it to Vahalla so I can do some 80s dancing :)  Let's just hope our team makes an excellent proud to be a Coug!

How far along? 31 weeks 

Baby size: 3.3 pounds and over 16 inches
Total weight gain/loss:+33 pounds! The weight has slowed down the last few weeks making me a happy camper!

Maternity clothes? Love them! Just bought a few new items, can't wait to wear them.
Stretch marks? My legs and bikini line...YIKES!  Hope this doesn't continue.

Sleep: Not bad up once a night to pee and have to move a lot but I can't complain
Best moment this week: My mom's birthday party :) and seeing my BESTIE

Movement: Lots of somersaulting!  She doesn't kick much, rather makes large sweeping movements...

Food cravings: Nope

Miss anything?: Lots of things, at this point I am getting used to the lack of rowdiness in my life as a waddling pregnant lady has removed most fun from my being :)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Farts...not naming names...but EW.  Being extra sensitive to smell does not help when around stinky men!
Have you started to show yet: Small Whale!

Symptoms: TMI:  My boob started leaking on Sunday.  At first I thought I spilled my drink, then I realized that NO that was colostrum.  I don't think I am ready for the whole breast feeding thing...kind of freaks me out!  Oh and braxton hicks contractions...they hurt!

Labor Signs: Nope!

Belly Button in or out? In...holding strong :)

Wedding rings on or off?  Off, I hate it. 

Happy or Moody?: Moody :(

Looking forward to: Cougar Football Saturday, opening NFL weekend and a week without plans :)