Week 37
What a busy couple of weeks! After my last Dr. Appt I went back to work and started feeling icky, 1 trip to urgent care and them telling me "oh sweetheart it's just a cold" I went home to rest before our last Cougar Football game before Kk's arrival! Danny and Robby spent all day Sunday putting the changing table together while I slept, so glad they could have that bonding moment together :)
Monday I received a call from Urgent Care telling me in fact I DID have strep throat (go figure I understand my body better then they do). It had been almost a week and I am feeling human again thanks to the antibiotics.
I have had some great things happening the last few weeks, got a promotion at work! Although I am worried about how I will take going back to work, this little incentive will definitely help.
The nursery is FINALLY finished, we have put all the finally touches and the last thing we need to do is pack the diaper bag...maybe tomorrow!
We had a week full of car troubles so Danny and I spent the afternoon yesterday car shopping and bought our first car together!! Looking forward to driving my "new" car :) It is a 2011 Toyota Camry. We loaded the car seat today and Danny deep cleaned the other Camry to get prepped for Kennedy's arrival!
Final preparations have begun, just need to get the house cleaned and we are ready for Kennedy to arrive, I am hoping it is soon for my comforts sack but my leave plan could definitely use another week or 2 of work!
Had a Dr. appt on Friday, with ultrasound and all. We got to see her face for the first time since the very beginning, be prepared I am showing her 3D photo, but look how precious she is!! After the ultrasound we had a stress test, Kennedy decided that was a good time to sleep so I laid connected to that machine for 45 minutes before she even moved. Everything came back A-ok so now I am thinking she will decide to stay in there longer...just hoping she comes before her due date now!!
There are so many weird things that happen to your body but as all have mentioned the last month is definitely the oddest. You can no longer do the basic things in life without it being a mass production. You have random body parts that fall asleep regularly, my finger tips currently. Showering/shaving, going to the bathroom are all an endeavor that takes much more effort than they EVER should.
Oh the joys. counting down the days until she comes :)
How far along? 37 weeks
Baby size: Over 6 pounds and getting taller!
Total weight gain/loss:+42ish pounds!
Maternity clothes? Looking forward to wearing some different clothes, I am currently very limited
Stretch marks? Hate them. Hoping they fade and just glad I don't have a bikini body I flaunt regularly.
Sleep: Getting used to what it will be like being up half the night! I wake up 3-4 times to pee, 2 or 3 to rotate because my hand/arm are asleep and sometimes I just wake up, WIDE awake and can't go back to sleep. The best moments of rest are when I should be up getting ready for work but I snuggle with the dogs just a few extra minutes these days!
Best moment this week: The past 2 weeks, baby shower, coug game, NEW car, promotion. So many great things!
Movement: When she is awake she rolls like crazy!
Miss anything?: Being comfortable
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Can I get any bigger?
Symptoms: Pretty standard, she has dropped so my back feels much better but now my hips/low back are getting achy, a sure sign she is coming soon!
Labor Signs: Random contractions here and there, but wasn't dilated last week and my stress test showed such little contractions they didn't check this week...hoping to be at least a little dilated at my appt. Thursday!
Belly Button in or out? In...I am just wondering how my body will know to put it all back when it came from!
Happy or Moody?: Happy and worn out. Nothing excites me too much anymore, the additional effort of moving makes it more difficult :)
Looking forward to: Her arrival!! EEK :)